My Name – Stephanie Russell
My real life job title is – Director of Operations and Head Carpool Coordinator at Chez Russell
In my past life I… designed wrapping paper, stationery and rubber stamps for Paper Source, worked as an in-house art director and designer for a graphic design agency, designed for a letterpress stationery company, and tackled many freelance projects along the way!
My favorite AFB project is… Christmas. Anything Christmas.
My dream project would be…creating book cover art for a great work of fiction.
My Superpower is… I can make a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s disappear instantaneously.
A secret skill I have is… I’m obsessed with being a meticulous and creative gift wrapper.
The best thing about AFB is… the inspiration from both the work of the amazing designers and from the projects/trends the AFB team provides. Even though we are all working remotely, it feels like a creative hub buzzing with activity.